In an event in Ohio some years ago, a man meet some teen girls over Facebook and harass them. He got their cell phone numbers, and he sent them text messages informing them that he could locate them, and also the houses of some of them were presented.
Another trend with which parents should be careful is with the idea of ”random messages”, it is a trick that some bad guys use to find their young inmates. With the “random message”, they send simple messages to casual people over facebook waiting to reach the mobile of young people, and waiting for them to respond.
The messages start very short, but sufficient to scheming the children and respond. Messages like “I see you” or “You are cute” or “What are you doing?” Are popular since after reading the messages, the children like to see who sends them. After a while gaining their confidence and discovering their location, then they monitor them. Parents should teach children never to reply to these messages and people they do not know when they interact on social networks on a tablet or mobile device.
With Facebook hack via Netspy, parents can check nearly all of their child’s facebook activity on their mobiles, and also limit the access to some phone features.
Not only does it offer parents an active way to monitor their facebook, but it also gives parents peace and confidence in knowing that their kids are safe at the same as using the facebook on their mobiles and that they are using it correctly.
Below is a short summary of the incredible features of Netspy.
Use Netspy to monitor:
- Facebook text messages sent and received.
- Calls made, lost and received.
- Instant messages and social networks.
- Emails sent or received.
- GPS locations.
- Multimedia files

I’m Aurelia Brown! I blog about tech, how to use it, and what you should know. I love spending time with my family and sharing stories of the day with them.